Monday, 14 August 2023

What is Testicular Cancer? Symptoms, Causes, etc

The scrotum is home to the testes, sometimes referred to as the testicles. The scrotum is a loose pouch of skin located underneath the penis. The testicles are where sperm and the hormone testosterone are made.

Testicular cancer is rare, but if it does arise, consult the best uro-oncologist in Kolkata. It may happen at any age, but between the ages of 15 and 45 is when it happens the most commonly.

The earliest sign of testicular cancer is typically a protrusion or tumor on a testicle. The development of cancer cells is quick. They commonly invade other parts of the body than the testicle.

What are its symptoms?

Below are the symptoms suggested by an uro-oncology specialist in Kolkata. Have a look at them:

  • A growth or bump in either testicle.
  • A sensation of weight in the scrotum.
  • A nagging pain in the lower abdomen or groin.
  • A sudden scrotal swelling.
  • Testicle or scrotum pain or discomfort
  • Breast tissue enlargement or sensitivity.
  • Back ache.
  • Testicular cancer often only affects one testis.

How is it caused?

When cancerous cells develop in one or both testicles, it is known as testicular cancer or cancer of the testis. When these cells begin to divide uncontrollably, a tumor or lump is created. These cells can occasionally act in a terroristic manner, sneaking into lymph nodes and circulation before spreading to the lungs and other organs, a process known as metastasis. For more information, contact Dr. Tarun Jindal, uro-oncologist.

Is it treatable?

The type of testicular cancer you have and the extent of its spread determine the course of treatment. Chemotherapy and surgery, like robotic uro-oncology surgery in Kolkata, are frequent forms of treatment.

Even though there is no such thing as an easy illness and a cancer diagnosis will never be a happy occasion, there is no need to fear. Fear, terror, anxiety, melancholy, rage, or a mix of these emotions might be the initial feeling. However, as soon as you can identify the texture, dampness, shiver down your spine, and a short burst of heat in your brain associated with these feelings, you should calm down and go on. Although we all have drowsy shocks in life, there is no justification for severing our future aspirations.

Never forget that you are ultimately responsible for your health. Because your body is your most valuable asset, only you should take care of it. You cannot use justifications for failing to do self-exams or for delaying treatment by the best uro-oncologist in Kolkata if a tumor is discovered. Therefore, keep an eye on your testicles and bid cancer farewell.

Also Read: 5 Important Questions to Ask an Uro Oncologist Before the Operation

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