Friday 7 June 2024

Be Aware of the Major Risk Factors for Bladder Cancer


Did you know that bladder cancer is a serious condition that affects thousands of people worldwide each year? While the exact cause of bladder cancer is not always clear, several risk factors have been identified that may increase the likelihood of developing this disease. However, understanding these potential risk factors for bladder cancer can help people make informed decisions about their health and take steps to reduce their risk. Let the
Best Uro Oncology Doctorin Kolkata talk about some of the major risk factors for bladder cancer through our latest blog post!

o  Smoking: Perhaps the most significant risk factor for bladder cancer is smoking. Cigarette smoke contains harmful chemicals that can enter the bloodstream and damage the lining of the bladder over time, increasing the risk of cancerous growth.

o  Exposure to Certain Chemicals: Certain occupations, such as those involving exposure to chemicals like aromatic amines and arsenic, may increase the risk of bladder cancer. Workers in industries such as dyeing, rubber manufacturing, and leather processing are at higher risk due to exposure to these substances.

o  Age: Like many cancers, the risk of bladder cancer increases with age. The majority of people diagnosed with bladder cancer are over the age of 55, although it can occur at any age with different case histories.

o  Gender: Men are more likely than women to develop bladder cancer, with the disease being about three to four times more common in men. However, women with a history of bladder infections or certain medical conditions may also be at increased risk.

o  Chronic Bladder Inflammation: Chronic inflammation of the bladder, often caused by recurrent urinary tract infections or long-term use of a urinary catheter, may increase the risk of developing bladder cancer over time.

o  Family History: Individuals with a family history of bladder cancer may have a higher risk of developing the disease themselves. Genetic factors can play a role in increasing susceptibility to certain types of cancer, including bladder cancer.

o  Previous Cancer Treatment: People who have undergone radiation therapy or chemotherapy for previous cancers, particularly in the pelvic area, may have an increased chance of developing bladder cancer later in life.

To conclude, making lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals, and maintaining a healthy diet and weight can help reduce the risk of bladder cancer and promote overall well-being. Besides, regular check-ups with an experienced Uro Oncology Specialist in Kolkata can also aid in early detection and treatment of bladder cancer if needed, improving outcomes for those at a higher risk.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Debunking 5 Common Myths about Urological Cancers

Urological cancers, surrounding cancers of the prostate, bladder, kidneys, and other parts of the urinary system, often come with a host of misconceptions. These myths can lead to unnecessary fear or, conversely, dangerous complacency. It’s crucial to separate fact from fiction to ensure better prevention, early detection, and treatment.

Here, the robotic uro oncology surgeon from Kolkata debunks the five common myths about urological cancers to help you stay informed and proactive about your health.


Myth 1: Urological Cancers Only Affect Older Men.

While it’s true that the risk of urological cancer increases with age, these cancers do not exclusively affect older men. Prostate cancer is more common in men over 50, but testicular cancer primarily affects younger men, typically those between 15 and 35 years old. 

Myth 2: Only Smokers Get Bladder Cancer.

Smoking is indeed a significant risk factor for bladder cancer, but it is not the sole cause. Approximately 50% of bladder cancer cases in men and 35% in women are linked to smoking. However, other risk factors include exposure to industrial chemicals, chronic bladder infections, and a history of radiation therapy.

Myth 3: Prostate Cancer Always Causes Severe Symptoms.

Symptoms might include urinary difficulties, blood in the urine, and pelvic discomfort, but these can also be associated with less severe conditions like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Men over 50, or over 45 with a family history of prostate cancer, should discuss screening options with their doctors.

Myth 4: Urological Cancers Are Always Aggressive.

Not all urological cancers are aggressive. For instance, many cases of prostate cancer grow very slowly and might not pose a significant threat during a man’s lifetime. Active surveillance is sometimes a recommended approach for less aggressive forms of prostate cancer, meaning regular monitoring without immediate treatment.

Myth 5: Diet and Lifestyle Don’t Affect Urological Cancer Risk.

While genetics play a role, lifestyle factors significantly impact the risk of developing urological cancers. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding tobacco can reduce the risk. Additionally, staying hydrated and reducing exposure to harmful chemicals can also be beneficial.


In a nutshell, debunking these myths is the first step towards better urological health. Understanding the realities of these cancers can lead to more effective prevention, earlier detection, and better treatment outcomes. If you have concerns about your urological health or are due for a screening, it’s essential to consult with a specialist who can provide personalized advice and care.

Dr.Tarun Jindal is a renowned robotic uro oncologist in Kolkata, dedicated to providing comprehensive care and cutting-edge treatments.


Also Read: Difference between urology and uro-oncology- Get to know!





Monday 16 October 2023

The Difference Between Urology and Uro-Oncology: Get To Know!

Both urology and uro-oncology are closely connected medical disciplines that concentrate on various urological care issues, particularly about ailments of the urinary system. The main differences between the two are as follows:  

For more information, contact a robotic uro oncologist in Kolkata.

Urology and Uro-Oncology


The diagnosis, treatment, and management of illnesses and disorders of the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, are the focus of the large medical specialty known as urology.

Incontinence, benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), incontinence, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and sexual dysfunction are just a few of the urological diseases that urologists are trained to treat.

Additionally, urologists undertake a variety of surgical treatments on the urinary system, including prostatectomy, nephrectomies (removal of the kidney), and incontinence surgeries.


A specialist in urology, uro-oncology primarily focuses on the diagnosis, therapy, and management of urological malignancies, which predominantly comprise tumors of the male reproductive system and urinary system.

Urologists who have gained extra training and experience in the treatment of urological malignancies are known as uro-oncologists. To offer complete cancer care, they collaborate closely with other oncology professionals, including radiation oncologists and medical oncologists. If you are looking for the best uro oncologist in Kolkata, then contact Dr.Tarun Jindal.

Key difference 

The main distinction between urology and uro-oncology relates to their areas of focus. While uro-oncology is a specific area that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the urine system, urology is a larger subject that covers the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of urinary and reproductive system diseases.

Consult with a proper professional, like the Robotic Uro Oncology Surgeon of Kolkata, if you're having urinary problems or are worried about urinary cancer.

A general urologist may help with a variety of diseases, but it is advisable to seek the advice of a uro-oncologist for urinary malignancies since they can offer a more focused and customized approach to your particular requirements.

Final Thoughts 

In conclusion, urology is a larger subject that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all urological diseases, whereas uro-oncology is a specialist branch of urology that works with the diagnosis and treatment of malignancies that affect the male reproductive system and urine system. To offer patients with these illnesses complete care, robotic uro oncologists in Kolkata collaborate with other cancer experts and have particular training and experience in handling urological malignancies.

Knowing the appropriate specialist to contact may have a big impact on how your issue is diagnosed and treated in the world of healthcare.

Also Read: Which is better for an oncology surgeon? Robotic surgery or laparoscopic surgery

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Which is Better For An Oncology Surgeon? Robotic Surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery

Over the years, the field of oncology has witnessed remarkable advancements in surgical techniques, which help surgeons provide more effective and minimally invasive treatments. Two such techniques that have gained prominence are robotic surgery and laparoscopic surgery. Both approaches offer unique advantages and challenges, making it essential for the best uro-oncologists in Kolkata to weigh their options carefully to provide the best possible care for their patients.

Robotic Surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery

In this blog, we will be looking at all these, so stay tuned for this post.

Robotic Surgery: Precision and Versatility

Robotic surgery has rapidly gained popularity in the field of oncology due to its precision and versatility. This technique employs robotic arms operated by the Robotic Uro Oncologist of Kolkata, providing enhanced dexterity and precision.

One significant advantage of robotic surgery is its ability to reach anatomically challenging areas, which may be difficult with traditional laparoscopic methods. This is especially beneficial in complex oncological cases where precision is paramount.

Laparoscopic Surgery: Cost-Efficiency and Proven Track Record

Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, has been standard in the field for decades. It involves small incisions through which a camera and specialized instruments are inserted.

Laparoscopic uro-oncology surgery in Kolkata offers benefits such as shorter hospital stays, faster recovery times, and reduced scarring. In oncology, it is commonly used for procedures like colon and gastric cancer resections.

Choosing the right approach

The choice between robotic and laparoscopic surgery for an oncology surgeon ultimately depends on various factors, including the specific case, the surgeon's experience, and the patient's preferences.

  • Complexity of the Surgery: For intricate procedures that demand a high level of precision and dexterity, robotic surgery may be the preferred choice.
  • Budget Constraints: Laparoscopic surgery is often more cost-effective, making it a practical option when financial constraints are a concern.
  • Surgeon's Expertise: A surgeon's experience and comfort with a particular technique are crucial. Proficiency with one method may lead to better outcomes than attempting a less familiar approach.
  • Patient Considerations: It's essential to consider the patient's age, health status, and personal preferences when choosing a surgical approach.

Final Thoughts

By going through this blog, we see that both robotic and laparoscopic surgeries have their advantages and drawbacks in the field of oncology. The Robotic Uro Oncology Surgeon of Kolkata stays informed about the latest developments in surgical techniques to provide the best possible care for their patients.

If you or a loved one needs cancer treatment, please don't put it off; begin your care with the best uro-oncologist in Kolkata, Dr. Tarun Jindal. He is a pioneer in the field of minimally invasive surgery, and he has used his surgical skills to save numerous lives.

Also Read: What is testicular cancer - symptoms,causes, etc

Monday 14 August 2023

What is Testicular Cancer? Symptoms, Causes, etc

The scrotum is home to the testes, sometimes referred to as the testicles. The scrotum is a loose pouch of skin located underneath the penis. The testicles are where sperm and the hormone testosterone are made.

Testicular cancer is rare, but if it does arise, consult the best uro-oncologist in Kolkata. It may happen at any age, but between the ages of 15 and 45 is when it happens the most commonly.

The earliest sign of testicular cancer is typically a protrusion or tumor on a testicle. The development of cancer cells is quick. They commonly invade other parts of the body than the testicle.

What are its symptoms?

Below are the symptoms suggested by an uro-oncology specialist in Kolkata. Have a look at them:

  • A growth or bump in either testicle.
  • A sensation of weight in the scrotum.
  • A nagging pain in the lower abdomen or groin.
  • A sudden scrotal swelling.
  • Testicle or scrotum pain or discomfort
  • Breast tissue enlargement or sensitivity.
  • Back ache.
  • Testicular cancer often only affects one testis.

How is it caused?

When cancerous cells develop in one or both testicles, it is known as testicular cancer or cancer of the testis. When these cells begin to divide uncontrollably, a tumor or lump is created. These cells can occasionally act in a terroristic manner, sneaking into lymph nodes and circulation before spreading to the lungs and other organs, a process known as metastasis. For more information, contact Dr. Tarun Jindal, uro-oncologist.

Is it treatable?

The type of testicular cancer you have and the extent of its spread determine the course of treatment. Chemotherapy and surgery, like robotic uro-oncology surgery in Kolkata, are frequent forms of treatment.

Even though there is no such thing as an easy illness and a cancer diagnosis will never be a happy occasion, there is no need to fear. Fear, terror, anxiety, melancholy, rage, or a mix of these emotions might be the initial feeling. However, as soon as you can identify the texture, dampness, shiver down your spine, and a short burst of heat in your brain associated with these feelings, you should calm down and go on. Although we all have drowsy shocks in life, there is no justification for severing our future aspirations.

Never forget that you are ultimately responsible for your health. Because your body is your most valuable asset, only you should take care of it. You cannot use justifications for failing to do self-exams or for delaying treatment by the best uro-oncologist in Kolkata if a tumor is discovered. Therefore, keep an eye on your testicles and bid cancer farewell.

Also Read: 5 Important Questions to Ask an Uro Oncologist Before the Operation

Tuesday 18 July 2023

Unraveling the Reality of Bladder Cancer: Exploring the Preventative Measures

Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that affects the lining of the bladder, the organ responsible for storing urine. It is a common form of cancer, with a significant impact on individuals and their families. While there are several risk factors associated with bladder cancer, including age, gender, and exposure to certain chemicals, there are also proactive steps that individuals can take to reduce their risk. In this blog, we will explore the preventative measures you can adopt to minimize the chances of developing bladder cancer, along with the importance of consulting the best uro oncology specialist in Kolkata for expert guidance and care.

Best Uro Oncologist Kolkata

1. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

A crucial step in reducing your risk of bladder cancer is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can significantly contribute to your overall well-being. Focus on incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet. Limiting the consumption of processed foods, red meat, and sugary beverages can also be beneficial. By maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding obesity, you can lower the risk of developing bladder cancer and several other health conditions.

Robotic Uro Oncologist Kolkata

2. Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors for bladder cancer. The harmful chemicals present in tobacco smoke not only affect your lungs but can also be absorbed into the bloodstream, eventually reaching the bladder. If you are a smoker, quitting is the best decision you can make for your health. Seek support from friends, family, or even professional cessation programs to increase your chances of success. Remember, the benefits of quitting smoking extend far beyond preventing bladder cancer, as it positively impacts your overall health and quality of life.

Robotic Uro Oncology Surgeon Kolkata

3. Stay Hydrated

Drinking an adequate amount of water daily is essential for maintaining proper bladder function and reducing the concentration of harmful substances in the urine. Staying hydrated helps flush out toxins and potentially harmful chemicals that could damage the bladder lining. Aim to drink at least eight cups of water per day, and more if you live in a hot climate or engage in strenuous physical activities. Proper hydration is a simple yet powerful preventive measure against bladder cancer.

Best Uro Oncology Doctor in Kolkata

4. Minimize Exposure to Harmful Chemicals

Certain occupations and industries expose individuals to various harmful chemicals, which can increase the risk of bladder cancer. If you work in an environment where you are regularly exposed to chemicals like benzidine, aromatic amines, and dyes, take all necessary precautions to minimize contact. This includes wearing appropriate protective gear and following safety guidelines. If you suspect your workplace may pose a risk, consult with occupational health experts to ensure your safety.

Uro Oncology Specialist in Kolkata

5. Regular Check-ups with the Best Uro Oncology Specialist in Kolkata

Early detection is crucial for successful treatment of any cancer, including bladder cancer. Therefore, it is essential to schedule regular check-ups with the best uro oncology specialist in Kolkata. These highly trained doctors specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of urological cancers, including bladder cancer. Through routine screenings and examinations, they can detect any abnormalities in the bladder early on, offering timely and effective interventions if needed.

Uro Oncology Consultant in Kolkata

Taking control of your health and actively working to prevent bladder cancer is empowering. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking, staying hydrated, avoiding harmful chemicals, and seeking regular check-ups with the best uro oncologist in Kolkata, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing bladder cancer. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, and by taking these steps, you are investing in a healthier and cancer-free future for yourself.

Tuesday 23 May 2023

4 Simple Steps To Follow After Kidney Surgery

A significant medical operation called a kidney transplant replaces a damaged kidney with a new, healthy kidney from a donor. Patients whose kidneys have ceased functioning for whatever reason undergo the procedure with the Best Uro Oncologist in Kolkata. The patient will need to adhere to stringent aftercare instructions to recover quickly following the transplant. To achieve a good recovery, a kidney transplant also needs a large amount of care and treatment. In this case, patients can increase their chances of a quick and successful recovery following a kidney transplant by following certain advice from a Robotic Uro Oncology Surgeon in Kolkata. The recipient of a successful kidney transplant has a far higher quality of life than they would have had they been reliant on dialysis. One benefit is that there are substantially fewer precautions and requirements to follow, and you may resume living a nearly normal life.

The following recommendations by the Robotic Uro Oncologist in Kolkata can help patients stay out of trouble, strengthen their immune systems, and enhance their general health and well-being.

4 Simple Steps To Follow After Kidney Surgery

1. Cleanse the wounds.

As directed by your doctor, you should take a bath during the healing process after surgery. Wash the surgery area gently, then use a towel to pat it dry. Apply a new bandage as instructed. Do not irritate the sutures by applying pressure.

2. Observe all of your appointments.

To assess the functioning of the transplanted kidneys, your doctor will need to keep an eye on several factors. During your follow-up appointments with your uro oncologist in Kolkata, your medication or dosage may be changed.

Best Uro Oncologist Kolkata

3. Never skip a dose of medicine.

Take the medications exactly as your doctor has instructed. Keep taking your medications as usual. Call the Uro Oncology Consultant in Kolkata if any of the medications are not working as well as intended. If necessary, your doctor may adjust the medicine or dose.

4. Watch out for odd indications.

Call your health care coordinator or a robotic urologist right away if you notice any indicators of rejection, such as soreness around the transplanted kidney's location, less urine flow than usual, an unexpected weight increase, etc. By temporarily increasing the anti-rejection medication dosage, it may be temporarily alleviated.

Following the above advice from this blog will enable you to get back to your routine as soon as possible following a successful kidney transplant. You may always ask your healthcare practitioner or Dr. Tarun Jindal, the Best Uro Oncologist in Kolkata, for advice if you are unsure about any of the above.

 Also Read: How is Kidney pain and back pain different from each other?

Be Aware of the Major Risk Factors for Bladder Cancer

  Did you know that bladder cancer is a serious condition that affects thousands of people worldwide each year? While the exact cause of bla...